What to visit

What to visit

29/04/2023 2024-05-14 9:49

What you can find near apartment?

We do our best to offer all our guests most important informations to make their stay a memorable one.

Beaches near the apartment:

Kolovare Beach

zlatni val

Golden Wave Beach

Jadran Beach

jadran plaza

Pharmacy "Farmacia"

Suspendisse laoreet orci ac nulla vulputate pellentesque. Vivamus nec eleifend ex, eget molestie lorem. Integer sed sodales sapien. Cras aliquam fringilla elit sit amet fringilla.

Grocery stores

trgovina voca

Trgovina voća i povrća

pivnica dobra cakula

craft beer

Brewery - local craft beers

Cras congue euismod blandit. Nulla vel dui euismod nulla convallis dignissim sit amet nec risus. Nunc blandit leo dolor, vitae fermentum turpis tempor condimentum.